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German events industry forms umbrella organisation

The German live events industry is the latest to form an umbrella organisation, the Event Management Forum, in response to COVID-19.

The group has been formed by live music bodies BDKV and LiveKomm, as well as independent suppliers’ organisation ISDV, pro-AV group VPLT and the European Association of Event Centres (EVVC), the new organisation formally recognises months of cooperation amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

BDKV head Jens Michow said: “As industry associations, we have the job of taking the interests of our members into the political decision-making process and working to optimise the legal framework.

“The joint formation as a forum for the event management industry will give this work more clout in the future, and give all members of our associations a better voice in government.”

Timo Feuerbach, managing director of EVVC, added: “The past few months have shown that politicians see us as a central and legitimate point of contact. We want to represent this sustainably by founding the Event Management Forum and communicate it more strongly to the outside world.”

The formation of the Event Management Forum follows similar initiatives to unite the entire events business in other countries this year, including Finland’s Event Industry Association and the UK’s One Industry One Voice.